Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Post 10. ESSAY

Dear students,
You have come to the end of your blog writing activity. Biggest congratulations on your effort!!! I’m sure your hard work has paid off.
Your last post consists of a short essay.
Here you are some webpages with the main features of an essay and some simple and useful tips on how to write it.

And here are three possible essay topics to choose from:
1. Your experience learning English at the university / A general reflection
2. The use of technologies within the different subjects you've studied this year (Review/opinion)
3. Chile 2010: What are your views on Chile's bicentennial year?

Keep in mind that the structure of your essay should be as follows:
- Introduction (about 80 words)
- Body: 2 or 3 paragraphs (about 200 words)
- Conclusion: (about 70 words)

I hope you get a lot done!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So far I have lived in 5 different places, and the flat I live in now is, by far, the best of all of them. Why? Well, for many reasons: it’s near the underground -which Is very convenient, there are lots of shops, banks and restaurants nearby, my street is safe and quiet, and there’s a park just a hundred meters from my block of flats.
But nothing is perfect in life. My flat is rather small, so when I entertain guests, if just five people come over, then there’s no room left to swing a cat! I would definitely like to live in a bigger flat.
Today you’re supposed to write about your home. Here you have some questions to help you put your thoughts on paper.

How many different homes have you lived in?
How long have you lived in your current residence?
Is your home in a convenient location?

Who do you live with?
Who are your neighbors? Do you get along well with them?

What is in your bedroom? What do you like about it?

What do you like about your home? What don't you like about it?
What changes would you like to make to your home?

In the future, would you rather live in a house or an apartment? Why?
Describe your dream house (money is no problem): location, style, size.

What do you think houses will be like in the future?

Remember to leave a comment on 2 of your classmates' posts.
Number of words: 300